
Showing posts from November, 2016

Pink for baby buggy

These wooden pearls I bought from Helmikauppa Blingi  and made this decoration for our baby buggy The pink pearls are catching the babys eyes while mom likes the black and white combination.

Baby blue

This little baby blue package was sent for my cousin who gave birth to a baby boy in May. The socks are nothing to write about, I've had them ready for ages. But the blanket was a fun project since I haven't done much crocheting and in this blanket I learned two new techniques. My cousin seemed happy about the blanket since they didn't have any blanket at that time and I was happy to surprise them with such a self-made work.      

For mom and daughter

It's been a while since I've updated the blogs. There's been quite a good reason because I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who was named Julia Melinda. Even though my blogs have been quiet, I haven't had practically any rest. First two months our daughter woke up several times a night. third and fourth month she slept through the nights pretty well, from 6-7 hours a night but now she wakes again once or twice a night in the age of 5 months. Days have been busy taking care of her and the new appartment and when I've finally gotten some me-time I've spent most of it sewing. These beanies were ready before our daughter was born and I've used mine very much. Her beanie has been also well used but it's getting too small for her already. I ordered the fabric from Käpynen .