Something to work with

I've started January with several projects. So every time I get tired with one I'll just take another one and continue with that. The other reason for doing several project at the same time is the lack of time. I want to do something for myself. My nephew needs woolen pants. My cousin ordered socks for her and her husband and I promised to start with their socks right after Christmas. I got an idea for two of my friend's socks. And all the time I have is January. I've been already asked if I'll take new orders for socks and I've said that first new orders I take will be in February.. And the time flies by. Anyway, here is a quick look of what I'm working with at the moment.

The first picture is of my old pullover. I haven't used it for many years and finally I desided to felt it but then I came up with the idea that before felting I'll take off arms of the pullover and use them to my nephew's woolen pants. If I now start knitting them from scratch he'll probably get them next year and then they'll already be to small. So this is a fast and fun way to do them. And it saves time!! The picture next to the pullover is a cable project for myself. When I started this project I had no idea what the yarn was but inside from the first ball I found it's secret. The yarn I got from my mum, she had found it from the cellar from her storage room. The yarn is OLD!! But it's soft, it isn't itchy and I kinda like the colours, although I think there could have been more of the grey and less of the white..

Then there's socks again. These are for me. I think I've hit my head or something because lately I've found myself buying clothes and yarns with some other colours than black. But black needs some colour to its side, I guess.. (She says while wearing nothing but black. Except the grey woolen socks and a white scarf around her neck..) But lime green?? Not at all my colour. My colours are black, grey, brown, red and white, with maybe a hint of dark green, violet or denim blue here and there.. Well, I bought a pullover from sale with black and, can you imagine, GRASS GREEN stripes... Maybe I'm getting sick or something.. The next picture is a beanie I'm doing for Reija who won my Christmas lottery. She wished that she could get a beanie because she hadn't any. It's almost ready, it just misses some small details. ;)

I've actually finished one project. Remember the wrist warmer I made for my father?! Here's a pair to it. It's grey because I have other plans for the rest of the blue yarn that was left from the first wrist warmer. This one got a single, lonely button to it for decoration but also to tell wich side goes where. My father didn't want for this one the loop around the thumb. The button anyway allows one to make a loop that can be taken off. I didn't make loose loop for this version but it's the original idea behind the button.


  1. tökkiikö vain mun kone, vai onko täältä kadonnut kuvia?

  2. On kadonnu kuvia, kun siivosin gmailia/picasaa ja nää sit kaikki tallentuu sinne ja vie sieltä tilaa.. täytyy jossain välissä kattoo noi valmiit työt kuvat järjestään uusiks tänne..


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