
1.  2.  3.
4.  5.

Have finished several projects but been just too tired to write about them and load up the pictures. But here comes finally some I've worked with lately.

1. Perfect Ten - the name comes from the fact that each sock have ten skulls on them.
2. Greenz2 - for obvious reasons
3. Woollen pants for my nephew, made from the sleeves of my old pullover.
4. Beanies for my brother and his wife from Puro. Made even one for myself.
5. Space Invaders & Teddybear gone fishing - shirts I made as a birthday present to my nephew about a month ago. I actually fell in love with the fabric on Space Invaders and would've wanted a shirt of it to myself as well but unfortunately there isn't any more of it so far I know..


  1. Oih, ne sun tekemät sukat olivat aivan tajuttoman WAU!
    Taidan purkaa ton pipon ja keksiä jonkun uuden, kun ei se miellytä mun silmää ja mieskin vaan nauraa sille..käyttämättömäks jäis kuitenkin


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