
Showing posts from 2010


Traditional christmas cards suck, right?! Here's what I made tonight.. ;)


Lopultakin SYTYCK-projektin ensimmäiset silmukat luotu... vähän jälkijunassa tullaan, mutt sen tiesin jo suunnitteluvaiheessa.. eli siis ihan aikataulussa.. omassani. :) Finally started my SYTYCK project.. later than others but I knew that already when I planned this project.. so my schedules are holding to what I planned.. :)

Ready to start

Slowly getting ready for the SYTYCK challenge. Bought myself yarn already, going to stick with the usual, 7 veljestä (=7 brothers) but the other colour isn't what I would call as a normal choise for me. Of course the other colour is black as expected but the other one is lime green. Can't wait to start knitting... but need to wait still for awhile. Tonight at 6pm it starts.. Spending my waiting time knitting woollen socks, friends have woken up again as the weather is getting colder.. just wonder when will I finnish those pullovers I started at least a year ago..?!? Pikkuhiljaa valmistautumassa SYTYCK haasteeseen. Langat on jo ostettu, pysyttelen tutussa ja turvallisessa Seiskaveikassa mutta väri ei olekaan ihan normaali valinta meikäläiselle. Toinen väri on tietysti musta kuten tavallista, mutta se toinen on limenvihreä. Tuskin maltan odottaa, että pääsen kutomaan.. mutta vielä täytyy odottaa hetki.  Tänään klo 18 se alkaa.. Kulutan aikaa kutomalla villasukkia, kaverit...

Popping and locking

I haven't showed you people anything new for ages. That's mostly because I haven't done anything new just fixing old. I've started a couple of new project but they are still unfinished. But I haven't been just lazying around I took part in a knitting challenge SYTYCK, named after the TV-show "So you think you can dance". I chose the knitting style to myself, had a couple that suited me pretty well, but I ended up choosing quickstep because obviously I've been lately knitting mostly those woollen socks. Today I found out the style for my challenge. Popping and Locking. What a perfect style for me, really!!! I have very clear vision about what I'll do with this challenge. There's two techniques I've been wanting to learn but haven't found the inspiration or time to do it and now I've got the perfect excuse to beat two at once. So.. there's only one problem left.. choosing the yarn.. ;) En ole näyttänyt sivullani aikoihin mitään u...

Wild life/Safari trio

    T-shirts for my nephew. Got the fabrics from my friend Adelheid. Had only three colours at home: red, yellow and white plus a black t-shirt pen.

Super skulls

Birthday present to a friend.


A necklace for myself. Quickly done last night while watching tv. The colour doesn't show in this picture really as it is. Actually it is pretty strong pink.

The Dagger Thanks

I had a dream last night where I was supposed to design t-shirt prints to be used in band merchandise.. Guess what I've done today.. ;)  


Something done quickly. Beez and Lady Bugz for my nephew. The little fellow prefers to have just one sock on (right picture) and then start dancing. Guess I'll be knitting him more dancing socks asap. :D

New Jersey Devils/Martin Brodeur

My brother gave me a challenge: make him something with the New Jersey Devils -logo on.. So he got woollen socks with the logo as a birthday present (Congratz lil' brother - 16th April - 29 years!!!). To the bottom of the socks I even made the player number of Martin Brodeur (Brother said he's the best NJ Devil, who am I to tell differently, I support Jokerit in Finnish league and Florida Panthers in NHL..?!).  


Rubberducks - socks for my nephew.


1.  2.  3. 4.  5. Have finished several projects but been just too tired to write about them and load up the pictures. But here comes finally some I've worked with lately. 1. Perfect Ten - the name comes from the fact that each sock have ten skulls on them. 2. Greenz2 - for obvious reasons 3. Woollen pants for my nephew, made from the sleeves of my old pullover. 4. Beanies for my brother and his wife from Puro. Made even one for myself. 5. Space Invaders & Teddybear gone fishing - shirts I made as a birthday present to my nephew about a month ago. I actually fell in love with the fabric on Space Invaders and would've wanted a shirt of it to myself as well but unfortunately there isn't any more of it so far I know..


A beanie for a friend of mine. Riku is a musician with tattoos and such and he started studying nature, fishing and hunting.. Made this design for him.. and him only. Named it Hirvivaara (Warning: elks.. or Moose danger..?!?) because the skull has moose antlers and a warning sign behind it. This should keep his head warm but the man himself pretty cool. ;)

February 14th

Here is the package I sent to my Secret Valentine 2010, Kirsikka . The beanie has 14 hearts because the Valentine's day is on February 14th. Her blog has that certain type of old country romance vibe to it, so I got my colours from there. She also had some beautiful pictures of pillows with lace on them, so at the last minute I added those three laces to the package when walked by Eurokangas. Can you imagine, I made something without skulls.. ;) HAPPY VALENTINE!! Tällasen paketin lähetin Salaiselle Sydänystävälleni Kirsikalle. Pipossa on 14 sydäntä, koskapa ystävänpäivä on 14. helmikuuta. Kirsikan blogissa on tietynlainen vanhahtava, maalaisromantiikkaa huokuva tunnelma, joten valitsin paketin värit sen mukaan. Blogista löytyy myös kauniita kuvia hänen tekemistään tyynyistä, joissa on koristeena pitsiä ja niinpä lisäsin viime hetkellä pakettiin nuo pitsit, kun kävelin Eurokankaan ohi. Voitteko kuvitella, tein jotain ilman pääkalloja.. ;) HYVÄÄ YSTÄVÄNPÄIVÄÄ!!

Salainen Sydänystävä/Secret Valentine 2010

I got post from my Secret Valentine 2010. The package revealed self-made card with lace and red hearts on it, a felted heart with magnet (my personal favourite), key chain with two crocheted hearts and some turquise beads, a white crocheted flower-brooch with a red heart in the middle and a crocheted cover for camera or mobile phone. From the card I found out who was my Secret Valentine.. Villikissa ..oli mun Salainen Sydänystävä 2010. Paketti saapui hyvissä ajoin ja paljasti vaikka mitä mielenkiintoista. Paketissa oli postikortti jossa oli pitsiä ja punaisia sydämiä, huovutettu sydän magneetilla (henkilökohtainen suosikkini), avaimenperä, jossa oli kaksi virkattua sydäntä ja turkoosin värisiä helmiä, virkattu kukka-rintakoru, jonka keskellä punainen sydän ja virkattu suojapussi kameralle tai kännykälle. I'll make a post of the package for my valentine as soon as she's revealed what was inside of it.. Omalle sydänystävälleni lähetetystä paketista laitan postausta heti, kun hän...

Black Lime

Something for me. By me.

Pink and blue

These socks I made for my cousin and her husband. I was a little excited if the socks for him are the right size. Luckily they fit him very well. Rarely have to do such big socks, usually 42-43 is enough for men. :) (Picture taken by my cousin)

Flower beanie

Reija won my in my Christmas lottery and she asked for a hat or a beanie and this is the end result, this is what she won. The big flowers are removable, attached to the beanie with safety-pin.. Reija already had a picture in her blog where she had those two flowers moved to her jacket.

Something to work with

I've started January with several projects. So every time I get tired with one I'll just take another one and continue with that. The other reason for doing several project at the same time is the lack of time. I want to do something for myself. My nephew needs woolen pants. My cousin ordered socks for her and her husband and I promised to start with their socks right after Christmas. I got an idea for two of my friend's socks. And all the time I have is January. I've been already asked if I'll take new orders for socks and I've said that first new orders I take will be in February.. And the time flies by. Anyway, here is a quick look of what I'm working with at the moment. The first picture is of my old pullover. I haven't used it for many years and finally I desided to felt it but then I came up with the idea that before felting I'll take off arms of the pullover and use them to my nephew's woolen pants. If I now start knitting them from scrat...